Fish’s tale begins in Eastern Washington, where he was left at an emergency clinic with a severely injured limb. The veterinarians at the clinic couldn’t save his leg and had to amputate — but Fish survived and bounced back quickly. Even before his sutures had healed, he was hopping around his enclosure, purring up a storm. Soon, Fish came to SAFe Rescue for a second chance.
Little did Fish know, here in Seattle there was a lonely cat and a three-legged dog in need of a little kitty brother… It was meant to be! Here is the story of Fish’s adoption, as told by his new family:
“We adopted Indiana (‘Indy’) Jones from Seattle Area Feline Rescue in June of 2018. Indy and his two sisters were our first batch of bottle baby orphans and we were delighted when Indy became a permanent part of our family. Indy joined Jack Sparrow, our tripod, one-eyed Lab mix, and Oscar, a talkative gray and white cat who took Indy under his paw. Jack had helped raise Indy, so the two of them often snuggled and played. Oscar and Indy spent a lot of time together, too, playing and racing around the house and even sharing the same patch of sunlight when they were sleepy.
In July of this year, though, Oscar was diagnosed with lymphoma. He passed away only a few weeks later. It was clear that Indy missed his friend and was lonely.
Two months later, we saw “Fish” on your Facebook page. He’d just had his left front leg amputated—the same leg that Jack lost back in 2015. Having adopted Jack shortly after he’d had his surgery, I hoped that our family would be a good candidate for this tripod kitten. When I arrived at the shelter, I decided that Fish, who would be named “Luke Skywalker,” should definitely have a “Leia,” too. Seattle Area Feline Rescue helped us pick the perfect sibling for Luke.
Today, this trio of cats and very cat-like dog are all very happy together. It’s been so rewarding to watch them play, snuggle, and just share space with one another!”