Foster Information

Committed, caring volunteers open their homes and hearts when they foster kittens and cats until they can be adopted. You provide their kitties with the time, love, and space that they need. We provide the supplies and covers all necessary expenses, including food, litter and medical care.

Small kitten licks the hand that is holding it

Foster Kittens & Cats

Fill out a “Foster Information Form” today! Types of Foster Scenarios Litters of kittens too young for adoption Bottle-baby kittens who require round-the-clock care Adult cats who need socialization before adoption Adult cats who don’t […]

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Contact SAFe

You can find answers to many questions here on our website. Please check the resources below. Your inquiry is important to us and we will do the best we can to respond promptly. If we’re […]

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SAFe Rescue Cat

Sign up for SAFe’s Monthly MEWsletter!

Stay up to date on the latest “mews” from the Rescue, including heartwarming stories, available kitties, opportunities to get involved, upcoming events, and more! * indicates required Email Address * First Name * Last Name […]

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