Surgery On Site: An Important First for SAFe Cats!

This week, we’re celebrating an important “first” for SAFe Rescue: the first cat spayed on site! 

While neuter surgeries are usually quick and relatively simple, spay surgeries are much more involved. To perform a spay, you need a large sterile area and specialized equipment, including an anaesthesia machine. 

Just a few short months ago, performing these surgeries at SAFe Rescue wouldn’t have been feasible… But as COVID shut-downs created a critical shortage of local spay and neuter appointments, it was time to take action! 

We are thrilled to announce that SAFe Rescue has been awarded an $8,000 COVID-19 Respond and Rebuild Grant from the Banfield Foundation. This award is making it possible to add additional surgery hours to Dr. Green’s schedule and to purchase an anaesthesia machine. 

On Thursday morning, the SAFe Medical team used this new equipment for the first time, spaying an adult cat and two kittens, including little Tazzy who will be ready for adoption soon. We are deeply grateful for this grant from the Banfield Foundation, and so is Tazzy! 

We also give heartfelt thanks to the incredibly kind and generous members of our Rescue community. Your donations to the Emergency Spay/Neuter Fund have accomplished so much. With your help, we have already been able to: 

  • Neuter 67 cats on site.
  • Purchase much-needed surgical supplies and medication.
  • Order equipment specialized equipment, including an oxygen concentrator. 
  • Spay 27 rescue cats using a partner veterinary practice’s facility.
  • Train a cat care team member to act as a surgery assistant.
  • Fund two additional surgery days for recently adopted kitties at a partner clinic.  

This is only the beginning! We are on our way to the goal to alter 300 felines before the end of the year. Now, as we begin to perform spays on site thanks to the Banfield Foundation, we are looking forward to doing even more to make sure that every kitty can get the surgery they need to stay healthy and prevent overpopulation… And then to find a loving family!

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