Grant announcement!

We’re thrilled to announce that SAFe Rescue has been awarded a $9,000 grant from the Petco Foundation to support the rehabilitation and adoption of cats with behavioral challenges.

The Petco Foundation investment will help SAFe Rescue continue to develop its online adoption program, and to empower foster homes to help shy kitties in their care gain the confidence to interact with humans. This program is more important than ever since the COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary for most rescue felines to move out of SAFe’s facility into foster care.

Among the first cats to benefit from this grant are Thursday and Axel. Both enrolled in a new online program at SAFe Rescue that pairs them with trained behavior volunteers with foster homes. As part of this program, Thursday is making progress overcoming her shyness and Axel worked on learning appropriate play behaviors. 

“SAFe Rescue’s wonderful foster homes are key to saving lives, and we’re excited to offer them some extra support with feline behavior issues,” explained Maddie Fox, Foster Coordinator. 

This grant investment is part of the Petco Foundation’s recent distribution of more than $13M to animal welfare organizations nationwide. In addition, the Petco Foundation distributed $1M in emergency product and cash donations to partner organizations facing the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis and put out a national call to mobilize animal lovers to take action and Pledge to Save Pet Lives

“Support from the Petco Foundation is helping us continue to save lives, even as we adapt to the COVID-19 public health situation,” said Emily Sprong, SAFe Rescue’s Executive Director. “This grant is making it possible for us to innovate, safely supporting foster families and the cats in their care. We are always happy when we can give a boost to our cats and increase the chances of quickly uniting them with a loving family.” 

Thursday, Axel, and all the SAFe Rescue felines and humans send their appreciation to Petco Foundation!

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