Giving Tuesday 2018

You can lead the way! This year, we’re aiming for more cat lovers to participate, more community involvement, and more commitment to help homeless kitties get the love and care they need. (With a challenge […]

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The Story of Precious and Princess

  It’s a common misconception (usually with non-kitty lovers) that cats don’t form lifelong friendships with each other and their humans. But Princess and Precious prove that myth wrong. These two sisters are 13 years […]

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Chance’s Story

“Take a Chance on me!” We’re not sure if Chance is an ABBA fan, but we’re sure that’s the song he was singing when he arrived at SAFe Rescue. Although he is obviously adorable and […]

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Minnie’s Story

Finding a home is hard enough when you’re a senior kitty—when you’re 16-year-old cat with a thyroid condition who needs daily fluid injections, finding a place to call your own can seem almost impossible! Fortunately, Minnie didn’t […]

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Joey’s Story

Joey is a special kitty in many ways, and his epic tale is one you won’t soon forget. Joey’s journey started in Eastern Washington, where he was living outside a shotgun factory and fending for […]

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Keep Your Cat Safe on July 4th

While July 4th may be a fun summer holiday for you, your furry friend probably feels less enthusiastic. Cats never really appreciate sudden, loud noises, so an entire night of crashing and booming is sure […]

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