Table Captains at Nine Lives Gala 2016

Lead the way to a world where every cat has a home: Become a “Table Champion”! By reaching out and inviting friends to join you at the Nine Lives Gala, you’ll create life-saving opportunities to rescue cats […]

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Scrappy’s story

Scrappy, a 3 year old cat, was picked up as a stray in Eastern Washington. She was transferred to Seattle Area Feline Rescue. Scrappy walked with a pronounced limp and would stand without putting pressure on […]

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What is FIV?

What is FIV? Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a very manageable, but often misunderstood illness, that most often affects un-neutered male cats between the age of three and five. It is found, however, in both males […]

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Brody, a special-needs cat.

Have you ever considered adopting a special-needs cat? Many people are hesitant to adopt anything but a ‘perfect’ cat or kitten. Too often, cats like Brody, are overlooked. Brody has a condition called  Radial Agenesis, where […]

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