What is FIV?

What is FIV? Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is a very manageable, but often misunderstood illness, that most often affects un-neutered male cats between the age of three and five. It is found, however, in both males […]

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Brody, a special-needs cat.

Have you ever considered adopting a special-needs cat? Many people are hesitant to adopt anything but a ‘perfect’ cat or kitten. Too often, cats like Brody, are overlooked. Brody has a condition called  Radial Agenesis, where […]

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2014 Nine Lives Gala

We’re proud to announce that Pat Cashman will be our host and auctioneer again this year. The event will be held at the new auditorium at North Seattle College, 9600 N. College Way, Seattle, WA […]

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New life for Lucy

At 12 years old, many shelters would not have given Lucy a chance at finding a new home. But we took her in, placed her in a caring foster home and patiently waited for the […]

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Featured in the New Adoption Center!

The new Seattle Area Feline Rescue adoption center will feature a unique wall decorated with personalized tiles—and you can reserve yours now! These 4 inch ceramic tiles, hand-crafted by SAFe Rescue volunteers, will be on […]

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